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Educational Enterprises Products

Educational Enterprises, Inc. offers many products to assist students, teachers, and parents.

Independent Strategies for Efficient Study - Independent Strategies for Efficient Study empowers the individual in the learning process by teaching simple, easy strategies that can be used to improve performance. An interactive software version of Independent Strategies for Efficient Study is available. More Info
Upper Elementary/Middle School Edition $27.50 including shipping/handling
Upper Elementary/Middle School Edition and Software bundle $71.50 including shipping/handling
Secondary/College Edition $27.50 including shipping/handling
Secondary/College Edition and Software bundle $71.50 including shipping/handling
Software Edition $54.00 including shipping/handling
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Reverse Diagramming
- Reverse Diagramming is designed to facilitate language remediation in an easy, effective manner that can be implemented on a daily basis. An interactive software version of Reverse Diagramming is available. More Info
Reverse Diagramming Level I $22.00 including shipping/handling
Reverse Diagramming Level I Software $27.50 including shipping/handling
Reverse Diagramming Level I Manual and Software bundle $44.00 including shipping/handling
Reverse Diagramming Level II $22.00 including shipping/handling
Reverse Diagramming Level II Software $27.50 including shipping/handling
Reverse Diagramming Level II Manual and Software bundle $44.00 including shipping/handling
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- The program called Wordstorming is designed to develop basic literacy skills (reading, spelling, and writing) and support the instruction of the teacher, tutor, or parent using the program. The process provides a structured, multi-sensory approach that integrates the linkages (Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic) in the learning but adapts to the individual's readiness. More Info
Level I (Primer, Vowels and Consonants) $27.50 including shipping/handling
Level II (Sound Patterns) $27.50 including shipping/handling
Level III (Sound Patterns) $27.50 including shipping/handling
Level IV (Beginning/Ending Sounds) $19.25 including shipping/handling
Level V (Prefixes/Suffixes) $19.25 including shipping/handling
Complete Set $104.50 including shipping/handling
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Organizational Windows
- Windows are simply clear pockets with adhesive backing that can be attached to notebooks, backpacks, briefcases, dashboards, binders, textbooks, and any other surface to make reminders visible. More Info
Set $12.00
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The Assessment Planner
- The Assessment Planner provides advance organizers to ensure an efficient, appropriate evaluation process as well as support intervention planning and report writing. More Info
The Assessment Planner In Publication Currently
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Behavioral Assessment Observations
- The questionnaires are designed to help professionals identify areas that should be addressed in an evaluation as well as provide background information, characteristics observed across settings/situations, and areas of concern. More Info
Packs of 25 (Parent, Teacher and Student) $55.00 including shipping/handling
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Organizers for Behavioral Observations
- The organizer uses visual display to identify areas that need to be addressed in all observations as well as potential areas of strength and weakness that will clearly identify areas of concern, areas of strength, and possible intervention strategies that may be recommended. More Info
Packs of 25 $16.50 including shipping/handling
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